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unfold your soul

I offer depth soul astrology readings focused on healing across timelines.

With a joint awareness of your birth chart and the book of you in the Akashic Records, I unfold the journey of your soul.

Together, we look into past life experiences and dynamics, karmic & soul family relationships, and explore present + future timelines to unfold your soul’s purpose.


My practice is rooted in my studies of esoteric healing.

The work we do together is holistic. The healing arts of esoteric and Vedic astrology, yoga, meditation, tarot... are instruments to unlock the doors that hold the memory of our soul's purpose.

Different facets of the same mandala, each reflecting a unique perspective of the same truth —all find unity in the centre: SOUL.

Your liberation is my ethical guideline. My intention is always to share with you how to create from your inner power and voice.


This is a safe space. I celebrate all questions. 

My group sessions include cacao ceremonies and yoga flows as well as group meditations, retreats, tarot evenings, tailored workshops.

dreams tell us what we fear, what we desire, how we are growing and how we can have our cake and eat it too.


together, we will distill the meaning of your dreams and explore the links with your current outer reality and the astrological momentum. we ask: what’s the work here?


the intention is to clear karma, conclude emotional cycles by integrating the anima-animus,  interrupt patterns, expand, create a life in which you thrive.


we end each session with a ritual to honor the message of your subconscious:

an action plan that supports purification

and/or a re-write of your love story

Available via Zoom/Skype or through an mp3-recording. 

Please write me here​ for the magic carpet ride. 

Pluto in Aquarius comes to wipe out the future you thought you would or ‘should’ have,

to set you free

to live the life that is meant for you. 

This is a once-in-several-lifetimes opportunity to transcend intergenerational trauma & purge karma of success.

To support you in releasing the past and leap into your most authentic present, we will re-discover Pluto as the alchemist and distill the hidden gifts within the ancestral shadows passed down through our mothers and fathers. 

We will claim these gifts in a 75-minute session.

We wil also explore:


  • your transformational journey through Pluto through your full lifespan

  • the psychology of the karma you are  now closing + affirmations

  • what am I letting go of & why?

  • your sacred secret: where can I harvest soul power over the next 20 years

  • in which domain of life can I access authenticity most easily?

  • which practices are key?

  • service as a liberator: what can I give?

  • what are the questions to ask myself right now?

  • Vedic remedies for a sweeter take-off

Available via Zoom/Skype or through an mp3-recording. 

Please write me here

True North Reading

Soul Journey + True North

✩ 90min ✩   sliding scale: € 222-333 $

Where do I come from? What is my purpose? Why am I here? Where am I going? 

The soul seeks to guide us along a particular path of development as a beautiful part of the whole. When we align ourselves with the intention of the soul, our life becomes an ever-expanding synchronistic experience in a loving universe. But, where do we find this intention of the soul? 

The sacred language of Astrology is an astounding resource for self-discovery, self-mastery and personal empowerment. Esoteric Astrology*  is one of the most profoundly revealing occult systems, yet is little known among the spiritual community. The Seven Rays of Light and psychology of the soul open a gateway for healing and self-knowledge across timelines.

In a first session, I help you remember your unique soul's journey:

-the flame that brought you here & the beauty of your soul's proposal; 

- significant changes and events in this lifetime + where in your evolution are you right now?;

-the karmic (past life) themes you are transcending in this life, your healing journey and how this relates to your family, love, work today

your natural talents, what nurtures you on a deeper level --how do we grow from here?

the year ahead: how and where to create opportunity, challenges, healing, gifts, divine encounters, path of least resistance...;

karmic connections, soul groups and soul relationships to bring light to interpersonal dynamics with the intention of healing interpersonal bonds across timelines;

All questions are celebrated.

Available via Zoom/Skype or through an mp3-recording. 

Please write me here

*teachings of the Tibetan Master Djhwal Kuhl & Alice A.Bailey

Planet en de Maan

Solar Return Reading - Transit Reading


 75min ✩  € 177-222 $

Yearly Birthday Reading - Current Energy Reading

Did you know that every birthday the stars gift you a new birth chart that tells us what is up in the next 12 months? 

Did you know that in every moment, the transiting planets are telling your original blueprint secrets?

To realise our dreams in 3D-reality, timing is everything.

Transits reveal the most giving windows in time for taking inspired action.
This reading empowers you with practical information and reveals the key themes and opportunities for personal evolution.

It is not your birthday but you are going through profound life-changes or un-easiness? 

A transit reading will shed a light on what is happening, why it is happening, where change is required, and how you can most gracefully and efficiently approach this moment and its life situations. If needed, Vedic astrology remedies are offered. 

We will answer practical questions like: “How can I best approach this year?" Do I stay in my present job?”, "What is the challenge of this year?", "Should I move ?", "How shall I approach love/personal relationship?", "When is a good time to take action and create opportunity?", "What shall I let go of/ invite in?," "What is my path of least resistance?"

Rather than to control life by wanting to know what will happen, it's my intention to inspire you to listen and find strength in who you are in the present moment, so you can step with intent and faith into the ever-changing river that is life.

Please write me here​.

The solar system is in continuous motion. The natal chart is a photograph of the stars and planets taken in the moment of your first breath. The rays of light and planets continue to communicate with this blueprint of your birth sky and infuse your soul with desires for expression. The solar return chart is a picture of the sky on your birthday. The sun is your heart, and every day on your birthday, this solar light returns to its home in your sky, but the other planets are now elsewhere, sending you messages. I am here to translate.

Dream Astrology Session
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Dream Astrology Session


 75 min ✩  € 155 $

Do you have a reoccurring dream?

This session offers a depth interpretation and integration of your dream. This healing practise is rooted in Jungian dream psychology and past life astrology. I use my awareness of your birth chart and current transits, an astrological reading of past life experiences related to the dream and the invitation of the 12th astrological house ("the house of the soul") to help you understand your dream experience in the light of your soul's journey.

You will have to write down the dream in detail. Together, we will distill its meaning and explore the links between the message of your subconscious and your soul's impulse to clear out karma, change and/or expand. 

We end this session by designing of a ritual to honour the dream and the message of your subconscious and, if required, an action plan for purification. 

Relationhip + Love
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Love Cycles Astrology

✩ 90min ✩   sliding scale: € 222-333 $

Includes past life soul link exploration

Yoga & Meditation

How do we love from here? 

Every 8 years, Venus produces an almost perfect, five-pointed star pattern in our sky. As Earth's twin, Venus gifts us our cycles of love, blossoming & loss.

Our personal Venus Star Point connects us to the soul, our higher self, and reveals our personal evolutionary journey towards true love.

A Love Cycle-reading helps us understand the why of our relationships, our values & worth, shows us where and how we can create deeper self-love, and how to love others intelligently. 

This reading connects your relationship journey to the current Star Point-cycle we collectively live in, your true North, and your past life experiences with relationships, belief systems, and patterns. 

We end this reading by offering thoughts and beliefs that support the relationships you desire to live and create. 

So we meet again? 

Soul families, soulmates, karmic soulmates & karmic connections —what is my connection with this soul, and why are we brought together?

This reading includes 1 or 2 soul links: I look at past life connections between two souls with the intention of healing interpersonal bonds across timelines.

Using esoteric astrology techniques, I delineate whether the souls are of the same family, and explore the blessings, in light & dark, gifted by the past lives shared by the souls, the roles embodied, the karma and the purpose of the connection on a soul level. 

(Separately available as mp3-recording : 20-30min - $60€)

Write me here.

Yoga & Meditation

Fees à la carte

Remembering and sharing yoga has been the most wonderful experience of my life.

I have always loved mind, our individual minds and the cosmic mind, and as a kid, I often retreated from the world out there. I would sit on the swing in the attic for hours to find the silence and solitude that connected me to 'something Higher,' something beyond eating 3 times a day, beyond the maintenance of life.

Lasting solutions are rarely found outside of ourselves, yet I do believe the popularity of asana in the Western world today has its function. Because most of us are deeply entangled in the material world, working from the body towards the mind is a method of self-discovery suited for many. Asana helped me personally to land in my body. 

As a child, I was an ice dancer. In my inability to jump again after a fall, I observed that the human body was both a magnificent artwork, and a metaphor for mind. At that time, I did not have the clarity to see my fears and subconscious beliefs, or the confidence and skill to overcome them. I studied philosophy and social sciences at university, but it was only when I came across yoga philosophy that I recognized myself and began to grasp the infinite potential of Human when freed from mental constructs. 

In Buddhism, thinking is considered a sense.

Going inside and making abstraction from the outer senses, allows us to let go of the default mode of the brain and discover inner senses, like Time, multi-dimensional consciousness, temperature, balance, knowing (intuition)... and ultimately, soul, spirit, source. Yoga is a shamanic path that allows us to continually expand our consciousness and experience all of life deeply. All we need, is ourselves. It's a path that can only be thread by you. Yoga says - your life is your work of art. 


Pulled by a deep love for the human experience and the poetry of our bodies and minds, I teach Hatha and Vinyasa sequences, meditations and Yoga Nidra classes to people from all experiences, shapes, ages and dreams. 

I also offer introductions to traditional kundalini yoga. 

To find my yoga offerings, connect with and visit Events and Retreats.

For privates or corporate classes, please write me below.

Tarot Reading


60 min    -    $111

A tarot reading is a visualisation of the voice of silence. The cards are an instrument to reveal the soul's intention and its joys, clouds, obstacles, and are winks of the universe. Just like yoga, the tarot brings you into the present moment: What is going on right now? What attitude should I take towards my career, love life, a certain situation? Just like esoteric astrology, the tarot works with the symbolism of the hero's journey. The energy of the subject, the rich images and imagination of the cards themselves work together with the intuition of the reader to provide a visual mind map for you to draw inspiration and guidance from.

Book an Appointment with Heidi

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Tel: +32 484 66 47 88

© 2019 by Heidi Souffriau - remember to look up!

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